LUX FLASHLIGHT POWDERS illustrated advertising cover w/ AMERICAN machine cancel type D-W2 (1) cancel & current LKU (Dec. 7, 1896) cancel Our Price.....$60.00
AMERICAN machine cancel STATION B flag F-38 (2) Dec. 1899 (Current LKU Dec. 31, 1899) These station flag cancels are among the most difficult to find letter station flag cancels as they were only used during December 1899) Rough opening tear @ top left n/a total appearance. Our Price....$85.00
Only reported example AMERICANmachine cancel Type BD-6 (11) 1895-? tied on preprinted addressed cover to Chicago Our Price....$80.00
Very Scarce AMERICAN machine cancel type STATION A, F-W2 (2) 1897 on UPU postal card to Sweden Our Price....$45.00
AMERICAN machine cancel Type D-6 (B) May-June 1893 tied on 3rd class mail MARKET REPORT of WOOL advertising cover. (Cancel difficult to find as only used for a short period of time Our Price.....$65.00
AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-W2 (2) on single UPU rate letter to Germany. Only reported example Our Price....$75.00
BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY illustrated advertising cover w/ AMERICAN machine cancel type D-6 (3) 1893-1896. This cover was found w/ the 2 cent stamp over the "3" suggesting existence of a D-6 ND5 type (MCF #187 of Jan. 1999 pp 2964-66) Our Price.....$55.00
MOURNING COVER w/ AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE B-W2 ( ) 1897-1916 Our Price.....$35.00
AMERICAN machine cancel STATION C flag F-38 NDS 1899-1904 tied on MOURNING COVER dated May 22, 1900 Our Price....$45.00
EKU Philadelphia AMERICAN machine cancel Type D-2 NDS, 1890. As such it is the earliest known Philadelphia American Machine Cancel Our Price.....$150.00
AMERICAN machine cancel Type D-2 ( ) 1891-1892 tied on 3rd class mail LICHTEN BROS. FINE CIGAR illustrated advertising cover Our Price.....$75.00
Scarce AMERICAN machine cancel Type STATION S flag F-13 (2) 1896 tied on IRON, STEEL & MACHINES illustrated advertising cover Our Price.....$100.00
ILLEGAL USAGE of "Bisect" not allowed by P.O. Postage considered unpaid 4 cent postage due (deficient postage). AMERICAN machine cancel Type B-W2 (8) 1897-1910 Our Price.....$125.00
AMERICAN machine cancel Type D-5 ( ) 1892-1893 tied on TYPEWRITER COMPANY c.c. w/ illustration on reverse side. Our Price....$50.00
AMERICAN machine cancel Type STATION B flag F-13 ( ) Jan-March 1896 used during the first few months of 1896 and are difficult to find. Tied on a BRICK MANUFACTURER illustrated advertising cover Our Price.....$55.00
AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-6 (2) 1893-1896 tied on 3rd class advertising mail from the PUBLISHER of the U.S. OFFICIAL POSTAL GUIDE. (unsealed envelope w/ enclosed letter) Our Price.....$55.00
LKU cancel date Oct. 15, 1896 AMERICAN machine cancel Type D-6 (2), 1893-1896 tied on DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. illustrated advertising cover w/ full back illustration on reverse side. Our Price....$225.00
SPANISH AMERICAN WAR patriotic illustrated ad cover w/ AMERICAN machine cancel B-W2 (12) 1896-1910 w/ full back illustration (some edge wear) Our Price....$45.00
AMERICAN machine cancel type STATION S, F-W2 (2) 1896-1899 on 3rd class mail w/ HIRES ROOTBEER advertising on reverse. Sc. 264 w/ partial imprint. Our Price....$45.00
AMERICAN machine cancel STATION A flag F-38 (2) (CURRENT EKU Dec, 12. 1899 These station flag cancels are among the most difficult to find Station flag cancels as they were used only during December 1899 Our Price....$85.00
AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE B-W2 (1) 1897-1915 on 1st class mail w/ "HELD FOR POSTAGE" hand stamp & precanceled stamp applied by Phil. P.O. after receipt of 2 cents Our Price.....$180.00
AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-6(4) 1893-1896 on special delivery mail Sc. E2 w/ Hazelton/Nov/10/7PM/1894/REC'D' back stamp (flap damage) Our Price....$100.00
Only reported example of AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-W2 (14), 1896 tied w/ Dec. 29, 1896 cancel Our Price......$55.00
Only reported example of AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-W2 (3), 1896 dated Dec. 31, 1896 Our Price.....$85.00
LKU of AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE STATOPM B flag F-13 ( ) Jan-March 1896 (used during the first months of 1896 and are difficult to find Our Price......$55.00
AMERICAN machine cancel type 90 NDS (NOR) June-July 1890 tied on 1st class mail (date & time in dial) AMERICAN 'RIMLESS' EXPERIMENTAL Our Price.....$350.00
AMERICAN machine cancel TYPE D-3 (2), 1891 tied on WOOL c.c. One of 3 examples reported and is the current LKU. Our Price......$60.00
AMERICAN machine canc TYPE "TRIP" B-38 (STETS PH-2c 1897-1898 PHILADELPHIA & MANAYUNCK RPO street car flag cancel used on U-293 letter sheet Our Price....$55.00
AMERICAN machine cancel STATION B flag F-38 (2) DEC. 1899. (These station flag cancel are among the most difficult to find letter station flag cancels as they were only used during Dec. 1899) Our price.....$95.00
BARRY machine cancel type O-6 (1) 1899 tied on single UPU rate letter to Germany w/ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY advertising on flap Our Price....$35.00
Reverse side BARRY machine cancel UPU rate letter to Germany w/ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY advertising on flap
BARRY machine canel type O-8 (3) tied on SPANISH AMERICAN WAR patriotic advertising roofing tin Our Price.....$95.00
BARRY machine cancel Type F-2 (1) 1896-1897 tied on WHOLESALE GROCER illustrated c.c. w/ 1896 receipt insert. (Cancel used only during moth of May and used in 1897 from Jan. to end of August) Our Price....$45.00
BARRY machine canel Type F-2 (1) 1896-1897 tied on SEWING MACHINE illustrated advertising cover (Effective cancel after ineffective American Machine Strike) American Machine cancel type B-W2 (3e) 1897-1910 EKU Jan. 6 1897 Our Price....$75.00
BARRY machine cancel type A-2 (NDS) Jan-April 1896 w/ "received" Pittsburgh Tr. 9 b.s. Our Price....$35.00
Received Pittsburg Tr.9 b.s. applied to reverse side BARRY machine cancel cover.
BARRY machine cancel type Ha-2 ( ) 1897-1898 tied on FLAP JACK POWDER illustrated advertising cover w/ ad on reverse & insert Our Price....$35.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE F-2 (2) small "2" variety 1896-1897 tied on 3rd class mail w/ PATENT MEDICINE advertising (NAVY POST CARDS) our price....$55.00
Reverse side PATENT MEDICINE advertising for producer of BARKER'S SOUVENIRS
BARRY machine cancel type O-5 (1) 1899-1900 tied on STOVE WORKS illustrated advertising cover Our Price...$25.00
BARRY machine cancel type O-8 ( ) 1898 tied on PUBLISHER & STATIONERS all over front advertising cover Our Price....$35.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE F-2 (1), 1896-1897 tied on ICE & COAL illustrated advertising cover (Effective cancel after ineffective American Machine Strike) American machine cancel type B-W2 (3e) 1897-1910 Our Price.....$95.00 1896-1897 (Small "1" ) on FINE FURNITURE MF'RS illustrated advertising cover Our Price....$25.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE AA-1 (NDS) 1895-1896 (few known examples) tied on "DASH LAMP" illustrated advertising cover w/ full illustration on back (Jan. 22, 1896) Our Price....$105.00
Reverse side "DASH LAMP" illustrated advertising cover.
BARRY machine cancel TYPE E-2 ( ) 1896-1897 w/ EKU (April 28, 1896) tied on SHIRT MAKER c.c. w/ full advertising on back side. Our Price.....$55.00
Reverse side SHIRT MAKER c.c. advertising w/ description of THE POTENTIAL OF PHILADELPHIA
"BARRY" type F-2 ( ), 1896-1897 tied on CELLULOID TRUSS mfg all over front illustrated advertising cover. (cancel used during the month of May) May 21, 1896 is Current LKU for May 1896 usage. Our Price.....$75.00
BARRY machine cancel Type H-9 (2) 1899 cancel on SPANISH AMERICAN WAR patriotic publishing co. Aug. 5, 1898 w/ Aug. 5, 1898 b.s. Our Price.....$75.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE AA-2 (NDS) Jan.1896 Cancels difficult to find and a few examples are known on 3rd class mail. (ex. Bob Payne) Our Price.....$80.00
BARRY machine canel Type E-2 ( ), 1896-1897 Sep. 1896 cancel tied on WATERPROOF PAPER 3rd class mail illustrated advertising cover Our Price....$75.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE F-2 (2) large "2" variety tied on 3rd class HIRES ROOT BEER illustrated advertising cover Our Price.....$85,00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE F-2 (1), 1896-1897 tied on ICE & COAL illustrated advertising cover (Effective cancel after ineffective American Machine Strike) American machine cancel type B-W2 (3e) 1897-1910 Our Price.....$95.00
BARRY machine cancel TYPE H-8 (1) 1898 cancel on SPANISH AMERICAN 45 STAR FLAG patriotic Sept. 21, 1898 cover w/ 13 star label on flap. Our Price....$135.00
Reverse side SPANISH AMERICAN patriotic w/ 13 star label tied on flap.
BARRY machine cancel TYPE Hc-5 (2), 1899-1900 cancel on THE LARGEST OLD BOOKSTORE IN AMERICA illustrated advertising w/ full back advertising w/ insert (small corner stain) Our Price.....$85.00
Reverse side THE LARGEST OLD BOOKSTORE IN AMERICA w/ illustrated advertising & insert included.
BARRY machine canel Type H-9(2), 1899 on3rd class mail. This cancel was used for only a short time during the summer of 1899. It is the only Philadelphia Barry which employer the Type 9 canceller. Includes scarce Purple Nat'l. Export advertising label used during the summer of 1899 to promote the Exposition. Our Price.....$200.00
Reverse side BARRY machine cancel 3rd class mail w/ Nat'l Export advertising label.
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type D-21 (1) 1900-1903 used on PIONEER SUSPENDER Co. all over front illustrated advertising cover Our Price......$75.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type D-10 NDS 1895. Used for a short time (one of two known examples tied to Philadelphia c.c. Only other reported example is dated March 1, 1895 Our Price......$125.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type D-21 (2) 1895 used on LIPPINCOTT COMPANY allover front illustrated advertising cover w/ Brownsville, MD b.s. dated May 8, 1895 Our Price....$35.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type C-11 (2) 1893-1894 tied on Philadelphia c.c. w/ " FINGER" Spring Garden Station auxiliary marking & INTERNATIONAL Rec'd type CR-BS, 1893-1895 on back side. Our Price....$75.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type A-II (1) with Dash under the "EL" 1890-1891) 18990 REBEKAH DEGREE LODGE announcement on reverse Our Price....$35.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel Type B-12 (1), 1894 used on 1st class letter to New York, returned to sender auxiliary marking on BAIRD'S BOOKS c.c. & full back illustration Our Price.....$95.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type D-21 (2) 1895 used on FEATHERSTONE BICYCLES illustrated advertising cover w/ Cleveland March 22, 1895 b.s. Our Price....$75.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type A-II (1), 1889-1891 used from December 1889 to early 1891. 1889 examples are difficult to find. EKU 12/7/89 Our Price.....$85.00
INTERNATIONA machine cancel type B-II(3) 1892 (used on incoming mail as Receiving mark) From Purdy, MO rec'd April 13, 1892 Our Price.....$25.00
INTERNATIONA machine cancel type B-11 (2) 1892-1893 used on SHANNON & SON HARDWARE illustrated advertising cover Our Price....$25.00
INTERNATIONA machine cancel type D-22 (4) 1900-1903 used on SEED WAREHOUSE illustrated advertising cover. Our Price....$25.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type C-11 (4), 1893-1894 used on CONSOLIDATED LEAFT CO. illustrated advertising cover Our Price....$25.00
INTERNATIONAL machine cancel type D-21 (1) 1895 used on BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY all over front illustrated advertising cover Our Price....$35.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-3, 1879-1882 used on RETURNED REGISTRY BILL (received @ Phil. March 29, 1885) Our Price.....$75.00
LEAVITT machine cancel Type B-PHIL-D, Die II, 1879-1882 used on RETURNED REGISTRY BILL (received @ Phil. Jan. 19, 1882) Our Price....$75.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-D 1879-1882 Die 2 (25 mm) Jan. 10, 80 Our Price.....$35.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-3, 1879-1888 Die 1 (23 mm) Dec 17, 79 (a two digit year date was included in B-PHIL-3 dial until the end of 1882; none thereafter) Our Price.....$45.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-D, 1879-1882 Die 2 (25 mm) Feb. 11, 82 WESTERN GRAIN advertising on back side Our Price....$45.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-D, 1879-1882 Die 2 (25 mm) Dec. 17, 79 Our Price....$35.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-3, 1879-1888 Die 1 (23mm) March 7, 1886...Announcement of meeting of University Club of Philadelphia Our Price....$40.00
LEAVITT machine cancel type B-PHIL-3, Die 1 (23 mm) April 9, 1884 announcement of meeting of Union League of Philadelphia Our Price....$45.00