BOB DRISCOLL well known stamp dealer joined the H.E. HARRIS stamp company on July 1, 1978 & was celebrated w/ a special cover Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 720b tied to Society of Philatelic Americans convention cover w/ July 25 dial cancel. NY & WASH RPO cancel on reverse Our Price....$25.00
Little America second cancellation mail w/ SCARCE San Francisco hand cancel Our Price....$25.00
May 20 usage of #294 w/ Milwaukee, WIS machine cancel tied on BPO ELKS Carnival & Reunion illustrated advertising cover Our Price......$75.00
#267 tied on 1902 MILWAUKEE BEER FESTIVAL all over front multicolored illustrated advertising cover w/ 1902 Wauwatose, WIS back stamp Our Price....$125.00
June 30, 1934 100th Anniversary of Indian Territory Our Price....$10.00
125th anniversary of birth of Edgar Allan Poe in Boston Our Price....$10.00
Phillip H. Lord, radio personality sailing on his yacht "Seth Parker" with March 27, 1934 stop in Miami Our Price....$25.00
Phillip H. Lord, radio personality sailing on his yach "Seth Parker" w/ stop at Charleston, SC between February & March 1934 Our Price.....$25.00
June 24, 1936 Shiner, TX machine cancel tied on Shiner Agricultural Fair June 24-27 cover Our Price....$15.00
1937 Chicago Jubilee Year illustrated set of 12 covers produced by w.R. Anderson of Chicag. This is set # 160 Our Price.....$85.00
Sc. 632a tied on WORLD'S FAIR cover w/ RAILWAY EXHIBIT cancel. First day 6 cent air mail rate Our Price....$25.00
1976 Republican convention nominates Ford & Dole for presidential campaign. Colorano Silk cachet & pictorial postmark Our Price.....$15.00
Building of 1st railroad in America cachet by Granite City Stamp Club w/ newspaper clipping & Roosevelt visit in Quincy hand stamp on reverse Our Price....$15.00
Reverse side 1st railroad in America cover w/ "President Roosevelt was in Quincy to-day" hand cancel
December 12, 1931 PAUL SIPLE lecture in Allentown, PA Our Price....$45.00
Exposition cancel tied on Jamestown Exposition official card. Our Price....$50.00
1980 Democratic convention nominates Jimmy Carter as its candidate for president Colorano Silk cachet w/ New York date cancel Our Price.....$15.00
1933 Dedication of Sunnyvale Naval Air Station w/ dedication cachets on reverse Our Price.....$15.00
Reverse side Naval Air Station dedication cover w/ 2 different hand cancel dated cachets
2c entire used from Des Moines addressed to soldier from the 6th Infantry which were attached to the Jamestown Expo Company. Exposition Station cancel used as receiving cancel shown on reverse side. ((RARE)
Norfolk VA Jun. 29 3-PM 1907 Exposition station machine cancel used as a receiving p.m. on back of 2c entire from "Des Moine June 26 2:30 PM 1907" machine cancel and additional Norfolk P.O. June 29 circular date. VF example. (ex Brody) According to Brody this is the only recorded example of Jamestown Exposition machine cancel used as a receiving p.m. Our Price.....$250.00
1934 Orange County Philatelic Society illuststrated cachet for stamp show including invitation Our Price....$15.00
Orange County Philatelic Society "Invitation" to the 2nd annual stamp show
1989 Tulsa State Fair pictorial cancel on handpainted cachet cover (5 0f 5) on last day of fair Our Price....$15.00
#3408 l tied on Walter Johnson Humbolt, Kansas birthplace commemorative cover w/ pictorial Walter Johnson Baseball Classic Station cancel Our Price....$10.00
Jubillee Year Reunion of employees of College Camp cachet w/ label sealing flap. Included newspaper clipping Our Price.....$15.00
Label on reverse side including newspaper clipping
June 11, 1934 Dedication of New Post Office Building in Washington, D.C. w/ #702 margin block of 4 w/ arrow tied w/ Washington, D.C. duplex cancel including air mail label Our Price....$15.00
42nd Reunion of Confederate Veterans w/ Richmond Stamp Club cachet on back Our Price....$15.00
Reverse side 42nd Confederate Veterans cover w/ Richmond Stamp Club cachet
1936 Gonzales County Fair event Our Price.....$15.00
1941 Cranberry, ME 4 Bar cancel tied on Thanksgiving Day cachet cover w/ "For Defense" machine rubber stamp Our Price.......$10.00
Last Day Texas Centennial Exposition in Dallas Our Price....$15.00
100th anniversary of Oklahoma's oil well centennial w/ Chelsea, OK cancel tied on hand painted cover (5 of 50) produced by Herb Schibelle Our Price.....$15.00
1950 DOGTEAM MAIL cover dispatched from Unalaklest, Alaska Our Price....$10.00
1954 DOGTEAM MAIL cover dispatched from Tununak, Alaska Our Price....$15.00